Congratulations girls and boys you are Maquilo's best students in this 4 period!
Thursday, November 21, 2013
¡Felicitaciones a estos estudiantes de los grados 7A, 7C, 7D, 8A, 8B y 8C por sus logros académicos en el área de Inglés y Español del 4 periodo!
Congratulations girls and boys you are Maquilo's best students in this 4 period!
Congratulations girls and boys you are Maquilo's best students in this 4 period!
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Let's practice some readings and exercises about Likes & Dislikes.
Hola chicos de 8A, 8B y 8C!
Aqui les dejo unas lecturas y algunos ejercicios para practicar el tema "Likes & Dislikes para aquellos chicos con algunas deficiencias en el aprendizaje de este tema.
Lean y copien las lecturas y ejercicios.
Recuerden que deben buscar el significado de las palabras desconocidas y aprenderselos.
Repasen tambien las estructuras que dejé aqui en mi blog y los talleres y evaluaciones de este tema desarrolladas en clase.
La unica forma de aprender y obtener buenos resultados es dedicandole tiempo al estudio y a la práctica de los conocimientos adquiridos.
3. Does Carol dislike speaking English?
4. What does Carol love?
5. Does Ralph like working on Saturdays?
6. What does George love doing?
7. Do Peter and Michael hate riding on a bike?
8. What do Sally and Lucy dislike doing?
9. Does Jane hate invite friends to her house?
10. What does Teresa love doing?
11. Do you love flying on planes?
12. What do you hate doing?
13. Does Melissa like playing video games?
14. What does Walter like doing?
15. Does Susie love dancing salsa?
16. What does Linda dislike?
17. Does Ralph love listening to music?
18. What does Melissa dislike?
19. Do like eating outside?
20. What do Linda hate doing?
1. Tom doesn't dislike Chemistry class.
2. My brother like English class.
3. you dislike study Biology.
4. Peter don't enjoy Physical Education.
5. My sisters doesn't like listen to music.
6. Francesca don't like animals.
7. My parents doens't like reggaeton music.
8. I hates silly people.
9. she doesn´t enjoi studing at school.
10. We don't likes surfing in the internet.
Aqui les dejo unas lecturas y algunos ejercicios para practicar el tema "Likes & Dislikes para aquellos chicos con algunas deficiencias en el aprendizaje de este tema.
Lean y copien las lecturas y ejercicios.
Recuerden que deben buscar el significado de las palabras desconocidas y aprenderselos.
Repasen tambien las estructuras que dejé aqui en mi blog y los talleres y evaluaciones de este tema desarrolladas en clase.
La unica forma de aprender y obtener buenos resultados es dedicandole tiempo al estudio y a la práctica de los conocimientos adquiridos.
Hello, mates!
My name’s David and I’m 12 years old. I am from London , the capital city of the UK . Today I’m
writing about the things I like or don’t like. It isn’t easy because there are
too many things to talk about. That’s why I have to concentrate my opinions on
two or three topics.
To start with, let’s talk about food and drinks. I don’t like
fish very much, but I like meat. I really like fast
food (pizza, hamburgers, chips, hot-dogs…), but my favourite snacks are
pizza and hamburgers. Pizza is delicious with coke, but I prefer
lemonade and orange juice to coke. I also like mineral water (sparkling
or still), milk and white coffee. Tea is ok, but I hate alcoholic
drinks! When it comes to fruit… I really adore strawberries, but pears
are not my cup of tea. I like grapes and I love oranges! Apples
are very good. You know the old saying: “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”.
I’m not a fan of vegetables, but my parents and teachers say they’re
very important. I think they’re right. I really hate broccoli, but
carrots are ok. I detest cucumber salad, but I like mixed salad (lettuce
and tomatoes). I’m crazy for mushrooms, but I really don’t like
And now… school! I love playing with my
friends in the playground. I don’t like History very much and I hate my
Maths lessons! Anyway, I like Gym and Art, but I prefer Science because I’m
crazy for animals. I really like Music and I love my Portuguese lessons, but my
favourite subject is English, of course!
And you? What do you like?
3. Does Carol dislike speaking English?
4. What does Carol love?
5. Does Ralph like working on Saturdays?
6. What does George love doing?
7. Do Peter and Michael hate riding on a bike?
8. What do Sally and Lucy dislike doing?
9. Does Jane hate invite friends to her house?
10. What does Teresa love doing?
11. Do you love flying on planes?
12. What do you hate doing?
13. Does Melissa like playing video games?
14. What does Walter like doing?
15. Does Susie love dancing salsa?
16. What does Linda dislike?
17. Does Ralph love listening to music?
18. What does Melissa dislike?
19. Do like eating outside?
20. What do Linda hate doing?
1. Tom doesn't dislike Chemistry class.
2. My brother like English class.
3. you dislike study Biology.
4. Peter don't enjoy Physical Education.
5. My sisters doesn't like listen to music.
6. Francesca don't like animals.
7. My parents doens't like reggaeton music.
8. I hates silly people.
9. she doesn´t enjoi studing at school.
10. We don't likes surfing in the internet.
Saturday, November 2, 2013
La Radio es un medio de comunicación masiva que se transmite a través del sonido. Combina el lenguaje oral con la música y otros
efectos sonoros. Su función primordial es informar, entretener y orientar. Es
un medio que se caracteriza por la compañía que ofrece a cualquier hora del día
y por su inmediatez y espontaneidad.
El lenguaje radiofónico es
eminentemente oral, pues sus mensajes están destinados a ser escuchados. Este
hecho le atribuye una característica especial: su fugacidad, es decir, no
poseer una permanencia en el tiempo. Debido a esto, la radio debe repetir sus
mensajes o recurrir a elementos sonoros que mantengan la atención del oyente.
Características del lenguaje Verbal radiofónico.
a) La
los mensajes radiofónicos deben ser breves y precisos para evitar el cansancio
del auditor.
b) La
el mensaje debe ser claro y sencillo y han de transmitirse con una correcta
pronunciación y una entonación expresiva que mantenga la atención del oyente.
c) El
la agilidad y rapidez oral mantienen la atención del oyente, lo que requiere
una preparación previa de los mensajes radiofónicos.
Características del lenguaje NO Verbal radiofónico.
a) La
cumple un rol fundamental, ya que puede ser usada tanto para ser escuchada y
gozada por el oyente, como para marcar cambios de programa, ambientar mensajes
verbales, atraer la atención del auditor, introducir secciones y destacar
distintas emisoras.
b) Los
efectos sonoros: son
aquellos que reemplazan sonidos naturales (animales, fenómenos atmosféricos, de
la vida cotidiana, etc.) con el fin de ambientar determinados espacios
Clasificación de los programas
De carácter libre: Programas de opinión y conversación. El
tema es tratado por los conductores y sus invitados de manera espontánea y
libre. Así encontramos: espacios de entretención, deportivos, entrevistas,
misceláneos, musicales, políticos, etc.
Con pauta establecida: Informativos, como los noticiarios.
Altamente estructurados, validan su información mediante “cuñas”
(intervenciones extraídas directamente del personaje entrevistado).
guión es
el instrumento que sirve para planificar cualquier programa radial, especialmente para prever todo el material
sonoro que será necesario para su producción.
Además para que locutores y
técnicos de sonido se entiendan y sepan qué es lo que configura un espacio en
cada momento.
guión es necesario para organizar mejor nuestra información y mezcla
radiofónica. Uno puede hacer uso de las
columnas o de los recuadros de acuerdo a su comodidad. Al redactar nuestros
textos se debe facilitar la lectura de manera espontánea y natural.
redacción en radio debe ser sencilla y de acuerdo a la cotidianidad de sus
oyentes. Igual debe ser cuando se redactan noticias. Las puntuaciones deben ser por
entonación. Es mejor colocar puntos
suspensivos en vez de comas,
Ejemplo de guión:
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Here you are some videos about likes and dislikes.
The first video is a Rap song to practice singing how to express likes and dislikes.
The second one is a video example of people talking about their likes and dislikes.
Practice the four (4) dialogues with a classmate.
See you!
Here you are some videos about likes and dislikes.
The first video is a Rap song to practice singing how to express likes and dislikes.
The second one is a video example of people talking about their likes and dislikes.
Practice the four (4) dialogues with a classmate.
See you!
Sunday, October 27, 2013
1. Read the dialogue between Eddie and a DJ at the radio station.
2. Learn the new vocabulary.
3. Copy the dialogue on your notebook (copy not to print).
Friday, October 25, 2013
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Talking about Likes and Dislikes
Hi students!
Let's talk about how to express LIKES and DISLIKES in English Language.
(hablemos sobre como expresar GUSTOS y DISGUSTOS en el idioma inglés)
We can express LIKES with the verbs like /enjoy /love, and DISLIKES with the verb hate /don't like.
(podemos expresar GUSTOS con los verbos like -gustar, enjoy -disfrutar y love -amar; y DISGUSTO con el verbo hate -odiar o usando don't like -disgustar)
1. We use the Present simple tense to talk about things we like and people we like.
(usamos el tiempo presente simple para hablar sobre cosas y gente que nos gusta)
I like Pizza.
She likes dogs.
Tom likes Madonna.
2. We use the Present simple tense to talk about activities we enjoy doing.
(usamos el tiempo presente simple para hablar sobre actividades que disfrutamos hacer)
*Look at the structure: S + verb (like/enjoy/love) + activity (verb-ing)
(mira la estructura)
I like simming.
Susan enjoys listening to music.
Ricky likes travelling.
3. We use the Present simple tense to talk about people and things we don't like.
(usamos el tiempo presente simple para hablar sobre personas y cosas que nos desagradan)
Use don't/ doesn't instead do not / does not when you speak, and for informal writing.
(usa don't/ doesn't en lugar de do not / does not al hablar, y para escribir informalmente)
I don't like fast food.
I don't like rude people.
she doesn't like sport.
My cousin doesn't like dancing hip-hop.
Write 5 things or people you like and 5 activities you like doing on weekend.
0. I like intelligent people. (people)
I like action movies. (things)
I like listening to pop music. (activity)
*Five things or people you like: *Five activities you like:
1. I llike ............. 1. I llike .............
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.
Let's talk about how to express LIKES and DISLIKES in English Language.
(hablemos sobre como expresar GUSTOS y DISGUSTOS en el idioma inglés)
We can express LIKES with the verbs like /enjoy /love, and DISLIKES with the verb hate /don't like.
(podemos expresar GUSTOS con los verbos like -gustar, enjoy -disfrutar y love -amar; y DISGUSTO con el verbo hate -odiar o usando don't like -disgustar)
(usamos el tiempo presente simple para hablar sobre cosas y gente que nos gusta)
I like Pizza.
She likes dogs.
Tom likes Madonna.
2. We use the Present simple tense to talk about activities we enjoy doing.
(usamos el tiempo presente simple para hablar sobre actividades que disfrutamos hacer)
*Look at the structure: S + verb (like/enjoy/love) + activity (verb-ing)
(mira la estructura)
I like simming.
Susan enjoys listening to music.
Ricky likes travelling.
3. We use the Present simple tense to talk about people and things we don't like.
(usamos el tiempo presente simple para hablar sobre personas y cosas que nos desagradan)
Use don't/ doesn't instead do not / does not when you speak, and for informal writing.
(usa don't/ doesn't en lugar de do not / does not al hablar, y para escribir informalmente)
I don't like fast food.
I don't like rude people.
she doesn't like sport.
My cousin doesn't like dancing hip-hop.
Write 5 things or people you like and 5 activities you like doing on weekend.
0. I like intelligent people. (people)
I like action movies. (things)
I like listening to pop music. (activity)
*Five things or people you like: *Five activities you like:
1. I llike ............. 1. I llike .............
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.
Thursday, October 10, 2013
DESCRIBING PEOPLE (Full Description)
Hola chicos de 8A, 8B y 8C!
Aquí les dejo una estructura básica para describir a alguien de forma completa, incluyendo su vestimenta.
Si desean hacer una descripción más compleja, solo añádan más información (nacionalidad, ocupación, gustos, etc) y listo.
Appearance + age
Height + weight
Hair + eyes
He/she is ( name)
He/she is (handsome/good-looking/ugly/beautiful...)
and (young/middle age/elderly/old)
He/she is (short/medium
height/tall) and
He/she has (long+style+color) hair and (size+color) eyes.
He/she is (personality adj) and
/ but… (personality adj)
He/she is wearing a
She is Madonna.
She is beautiful and middle-aged.
She is short and slim.
She has shoulder length wavy blonde hair and green eyes.
She is intelligent and famous.
She is wearing a purple blouse, pink shorts and bracelets.

He is Sean Connery.
He is attractive and old.
He is medium height and slim.
He is bald and has black eyes and a Van Dyke beard.
He is intelligent and polite.
He is wearing a black suit and green skirt.
*Van Dyke beard=barba candado
She is Pink.
She is good-looking and young.
She is short and athletic.
She has short straight blonde hair and green eyes.
She is talkative and crazy.
She is wearing a grey T-shirt, jeans and earrings.

He is Pierce Brosnan.
He is handsome and middle-aged.
He is tall and slim.
He has got short staight brown hair and blue eyes.
He is intelligent and serious.
He is wearing a tuxedo.
He is Slash.
He is plain and middle-aged.
He is tall and muscular.
He has got long curly black hair and black eyes.
He is serious and creative.
He is wearing a black hat, black T-shirt and sunglasses.
Use the structure to describe the following artists:
1. Juanes 2. Angelina Jolie
3. Dulce Maria 4. Fonseca
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
READING ACTIVITY (People's descriptions)
To: 8A, 8B, 8C
Read and study the three texts, and learn the unknown vocabulary.
Read and study the three texts, and learn the unknown vocabulary.
Michael Douglas is a
very famous and popular American actor. He is about sixty years old. He is a
slim person and he is average height. He has got light brown eyes and short
fair hair. His wife is a very beautiful British actress who is named Catherine
Zeta-Johns, she has got green eyes and long straight black hair. They have got
a daughter who is two years old. They all live in the United States of America.
My name is Jane Carter. I am 12 years old and I am
English. I live in London, a big city in England.
My school is London Central School. I have got many friends at school but my best
friend is Mary. In my class there are twenty-five students.
I have got one brother and one sister. My brother is
Joe and he is 10 years old. My sister is Mary and she is 8 years old.
I am slim and medium-height. I have got big brown eyes
and long curly brown hair. My nose is small and my mouth is big.
I am nice and sensitive but a bit bossy. I have got a
pet: a cat called Princess.
Ernesto comes from an
educated family. His father is a school principal and his mother is also a
teacher. He is punctual, well-educated, and has good manners. He is friendly,
clever and really hardworking. He always does his homework. He is also
well-dressed and well-behaved. All the teachers have a high opinion of him.
Ernesto has a
well-built body, he is tall and slim and has small blue eyes and curly brown
hair. He likes to do different stuffs. He takes part in all sports, scout and
mountaineering activities and he also likes to play the guitar. He has a good
heart. He is truthful, honest and obedient.
Ernesto makes his
parents very proud of him. He secures good marks and is usually top of top of
his class in examinations. He inspires me to work harder. He keeps me away from
bad company. I am happy to have such a friend.
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Buenos días queridos estudiantes de 7 y 8 grado. A continuación les dejo el código correspondiente a cada curso para que se registren en l...
Hola chicos de 7A, 7B y 7C aqui les dejo información sobre el nuevo tema "El Texto instructivo". Leer y copiar en el cuaderno...
Hola chicos de 8A, 8B y 8C! Aqui les dejo unas lecturas y algunos ejercicios para practicar el tema "Likes & Dislikes para aquello...
Hi girls and boys! Read the four stories below and look the unknown words up in the dictionary and learn them. Then underline the sentence...