This year, our great English Day Celebration was full of style and glamour. Our Student Fashion Show grew in elegance and design. All the fashion collections were amazingly creative and ecological. They were made out of recycled materials such as plastic, scrap paper and newspaper, plastic straws, CDs, cardboard, snack wraps, plastic bottles and old remodeling dresses. The announcers and models did their best. Both, models and announcers looked fantastic that night!
The best collections in our Fashion Show were:
Category A
1st place to Pre-School B
2nd place to Pre-School C
3rd place to Pre-School A
Category B (secondary)
1st place to 11th B grade
2nd place to 6th A grade
3rd place to 8th A grade
Our Musical Show was fabulous too, all our participants showed their musical talent singing beautiful romantic songs in English.
The best singers of the event were:
Single Category
• 1st place to Catalina Bermudez, student of 11th A grade.
• 2nd place to Dumar otalvaro, student of 10th A grade.
• 3rd place to Dannia Valentina Tinedo, student of 8th B grade
Group Category
• 1st place to Laura Maria Rodas, Daniel Jose Sanchez, Maria Alejandra Ruiz, Dannia Valentina Tinedo and Monica Fernanda Vela, students of 8th B grade.
• 2nd place to Laura Andrea Ramirez and Angie Vargas Prieto, students of 6thth A grade.
• 3rd place to Elementary Students.
Hundreds of students, their families and friends turned out for both shows the Fashion and the Musical, which were well organized and followed by reception students, brilliant lights, the flash of cameras, and excited conversations of the different announcers.
Comments overheard included “top notch!” and “superlative” and “much, much more than I expected.”
Energy and enthusiasm marked the 2011 English Day from start to finish.
Thanks to our Principal Elias Plata, teacher Luz Marina Medina, Nubia Tenza, Otilia Salcedo, Natalia Guzman and Consuelo Morales for their help and cooperation that great night. Thanks to the members of the Jury who had a hard work choising the best.
And congratulations to all those students who worked hard and did their best in this special event.
Now here some photos of our English Day, enjoy them!