Saturday, January 26, 2013


To: Students of English 8th grade
From: Teacher MaQuiLo

Hello my dear students!
Here you are your first topic of English for this first period.  Follow the instructions bellow.
  • Read it carefully. 
  • Write the information on your notebook (don´t print the information).
  • Do the exercises on your notebook, too.
  • Review the new vocabulary and the explanations about the imperative. 
  • Watch the video "Heal the world" and practice the song.
Remember, your learning success depends only on you and the time you spend practicing what you have learnt. (MaQuiLo)


Imperatives are verbs used to give orders, commands, instructions, warnings, advices, invitations and (if you use "please") to make a request. 

In the imperative the person is not usually mentioned.

 For example:

Instructions: Open your books.

Warnings: Look out!

Offers: Have some juice.

Advices: Stay at home. Don't go to school if you are ill.

Requests: Pass the sugar, please.

Invitations: Come for dinner. 

To make a negative imperative, put "do not" or "don't" before the verb:
For example:
  • Don't go! 
  • Do not walk on the grass.
You can also use "let's" before the verb if you are including yourself in the imperative. The negative of "let's" is "let's not".

For example:
  • Let's stop now.
  • Let's have some lunch.
  • Let's not argue
  • Let's not tell her about it.

1.     Turn the positive imperatives into negatives, and the negatives into positives:

1.Make me a sandwich.    ............................................................. 
2.Open the door.       ......................................................................
3. Don't look at him. ....................................................................
4. Sit down. ................................................................................

5. Don't sing.  ...............................................................................
6. Don't go to sleep.  ....................................................................

1.     Put the words in the correct order:
  1. music / the / to / listen .   .............................................................
  2. books / look / don't /  your / at .  .................................................
  3. litter / park / in / drop / the / don't . ............................................
  4. run / don't / classroom / in / the. .................................................
  5. friends / Mark's / listen / don't / to .  ..........................................
Write which of these imperatives is an order, a warning, a request, an instruction,  an advices or an invitations: 

  1. Open your books on page 18 __________________________
  2. Listen to your heart  _________________________________
  3. Clean up this mess __________________________________ 
  4. Let ´s go to the cinema. ______________________________  
  5. Watch out! _______________________________ 
  6. Please don't smoke here _____________________________

Videos "Heal the world" by Michael Jackson.

Heal the world, acustic version. 



Gifs Animados de Bienvenidos - Imagenes Animadas de BienvenidosHello my dear students of English 8A, 8B and 8C!

Hola mis queridos estudiantes de español de grado 7A, 7C y 7D!                             

Welcome to my blog!
Bienvenidos a mi blog!

En este año 2013 este blog será un medio más de aprendizaje y comunicación entre usteds y yo.

Espero utilicen este medio para repasar y practicar los temas vistos semanalmente en clase. 

Recuerden que voy a estar dejando información importante para su aprendizaje tanto para mis estudiantes de inglés (8 grado) como para los de español (7 grado).

Deben fijarse bien en el encabezado de la bitácora para quien va dirigida, en el título y el tema.

Si tienen esto en cuenta no habrá razón para equivocarse en las tareas asignadas por este medio.
Gifs Animados Gatos (106)Gifs Animados de Bienvenidos - Imagenes Animadas de Bienvenidos


Buenos días queridos estudiantes de 7 y 8 grado. A continuación les dejo el código correspondiente a cada curso para que se registren en l...