Thursday, July 31, 2014


To: 8A, 8C, 8D

Los comparativos son adjetivos que se usan para comparar dos personas o cosas.

Short adjectives (adjetivos cortos) -> adj+er + than
Con adjetivos cortos con menos de 3 silabas, generalmente se forma el comparativo añadiendo -er al adjetivo: 
small (pequeño) - smaller (más pequeño)
          Chicago is smaller than New York.
Chicago es más pequeño que Nueva York.


Si el adjetivo corto termina con e, solo se añade r para formar el comparativo.
large (grande) -> large(más grande)

y -> ier

Si el adjetivo  termina con una consonante y luego y, cambiamos la y por i y luego se añade -er.
eas(fácil) -> easier (más fácil)

Doble Consonante

Si un adjetivo termina con una consonante, una vocal, y luego otra consonante y la sílaba fuerte es la última, duplica la última letra antes de añadir -er.
big (grande) - bigger (más grande)

Long adjectives (Adjetivos Largos) -> more + Adj + than

Si el adjetivo es de dos sílabas o más (una palabra larga) y no termina con y, usamos la palabra more, en vez de -er.
expensive (costoso) -> more expensive (más costoso)

Comparativos Irregulares
Los adjetivos irregulares no siguen la regla de la formación del comparativo y superlativo, así que hay que aprendérselos de memoria. Los adjetivos "far" (lejos) y "old" (viejo) pueden usarse en su forma regular o irregular.

• Good (bueo) -> better (mejor) + than.
• Bad (malo) -> worse (peor) + than.
Far (lejos) -> farther further(mas lejos) + than.
Little (poco / a) -> less (menos)+ than.
Much (mucho/a)/many (muchos/ as) -> more + than.
Few (pocos / as) -> fewer (mas pocos / menos).

Busque en el diccionario el significado de los siguientes adjetivos, apréndaselos y escribalos en grado comparativo:
tall (alto) -> taller (más alto)

cold,dangerous, nice, heavy, clean, wide, hot, good,interesting, rich, long, 
ugly, economical, dry, thin, modern, bad, cheap, lazy, beautiful, far, wet, expensive, elegant, fat, bossy, cheap, cold, dirty, fast.      

Escoja 10 adjetivos de la lista anterior y escriba 10 oraciones en las que exprese comparaciones:
tall (alto) -> taller (más alto)

Tuesday, July 29, 2014


To: 8A, 8C and 8D

Answer according to the four stories you have read.

True ( T ) or False  ( F )?
  1. Katie will be three years old. (        )
  2. Katie’s dad is going to cook the food. (        )
  3. Katie’s mother will bake a strawberry cake. (        )
  4. Erica is going to enter into a tennis competition. (        )
  5. The winner of the tournament will receive one hundred dollars. (        )
  6. Erica’s husband is going to travel to the tournament.(        )
  7. Erica’s parents will be with her in the competition. (        )
  8. Brent will stay in the International Space station for eight months. (        )
  9. The crew will record their data.(        )
  10. Megan and Mark are going to serve dinner and dessert in their wedding. (        )
  11. Megan and Mark are going to travel to Hawaii for their honeymoon. (        )
  12. The wedding will finish after the dinner. (        )

Answer the questions about the 4 stories you read. Write long answers.

Story _____
  1. When is the wedding going to be?
  2. What time is the wedding going to be?
  3. Who are going to get married?
  4. Who will be at the wedding?
  5. What are they going to serve at the wedding?
  6. What will the best man give?
  7. How long will the dance last?
  8. What is going to happen the day after the wedding?
  9. Where are Megan and Mark going to travel in their honeymoon?
  10. How long are they going to stay there?

 Story _____
  1. When is Erica going to compete?
  2. What is Erica going to compete in?
  3. Why will she practice hard?
  4. How much money will the winner receive?
  5. Who is going to travel to the tournament with Erica?
  6. What will Erica’s husband watch?
  7. Where will Erica’s husband sit in and do for her?
  8. How is Erica’s husband going to be?
  9. Are Erica’s parents going to travel to the tournament?
  10. How will Erica’s parents watch the tournament?

Story ____
  1. When will Katie be one year old?
  2. Why are Katie’s parent going to have a birthday party?
  3. When is the party going to begin?
  4. How many people will be at the party?
  5. How much will katie have fun?
  6. What is Katie’s dad going to cook?
  7. What is Katie’s gradnmother going to bring?
  8. What is Katie’s aunt going to bake?
  9. Who will bring presents to Katie?
  10. When is Katie going to open her presents?
  11. Who will eat cake and ice-cream in Katie’s party?
  12. Who is going to have a good first birthday?

  Story ____
  1. Who is Brent?
  2. Where is Brent from?
  3. Where will Brent travel into?
  4. When is Brent going to travel into outer space?
  5. Who are going to travel to the International Space Statio?
  6. How long will Brent stay in space?
  7. What will the crew do in the space?
  8. What will the crew record?
  9. What are the crew also going to make?
  10. What will Brent learn?
  11. What will Brent’s family watch on the internet?

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Reading Activity : Simple Future Stories

Hi girls and boys!
Read the four stories below and look the unknown words up in the dictionary and learn them.
Then underline the sentences in simple future.

On Saturday, Katie will be one year old. Katie's parents are going to have a birthday party. The party is going to begin at noon on Saturday. Many people will be at the party. Katie will have so much fun!
Katie's dad is going to cook hamburgers. Katie's grandmother is going to bring ice-cream. Katie's aunt is going to bake a cake. It will be a chocolate cake. Katie will love her cake!
All of Katie's relatives will bring presents. Katie is going to open her presents after lunch. Then, everyone will eat cake and ice-cream. Katie is going to have a good first birthday!

This weekend, Erica is going to compete in a tennis tournament. She will practice hard all week because she wants to win the tournament. The winner will receive $1,000. Erica hopes she will get first place!
Erica's husband is going to travel to the tournament with Erica. He will watch her compete. He will sit in the stands and cheer for Erica. He is going to be proud of Erica even if she does not win first place.
Erica's parents are not going to travel to the tournament. They will watch the tournament on television. They will cheer for Erica at home. They are going to be proud of Erica whether she wins or loses.

Brent is an American astronaut. Today, he will travel into outer space. At noon, his space shuttle is going to launch into space. Brent and the other astronauts are going to travel to the International Space Station. They will stay in space for almost 6 months.
The crew is going to continue research at the space station. They will do some experiments. They will record their data. They are also going to make some repairs on the space station.
Brent will learn a lot in space. He is going to make videos of his time on the space station. His family will watch the videos on the internet. They will see what Brent is doing in space.

There is going to be a wedding today. At 4 o'clock this afternoon, Megan Smith and Mark Jones are going to get married. After today, they will be Mr. and Mrs. Mark Jones.
It is going to be a huge celebration. Everyone will be there! They are going to serve dinner and dessert. The best man will give a speech. Then everyone will dance. The dance will last until midnight.
The day after the wedding, Megan and Mark are going to leave for their honeymoon. They are going to travel to Hawaii. They are going to stay there for 7 days. They will have a good time in Hawaii!


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