Saturday, March 3, 2018

Feelings, emotions and suggestions

Hi my dear students of 7th.
Let's learn and talk about feelings, emotions and suggestions.
Don't forget to study the new vocabulary.

Good Advice: advice and suggestions

Giving advice and making suggestions are two different language functions

You can use these to give advice to a friend:


     You should go to the doctor, he’ll tell you what to do
     You shouldn’t go to bed so late, you need more sleep

     I know it’s difficult to find, but why don’t you look on the Internet?
     Why don’t you wait here for a moment, I’m sure she will be back very soon

HOW ABOUT + ING (or YOU + bare infinitive)
     You look bored. How about going for a walk? We could go to the river.
     How about you stay here and I go and look for help?

MUST/HAVE TO [strong advice]
     You must go to the doctor immediately, that looks serious.
     You have to take her to that movie, she’s going to love it.

YOU’D BETTER (not) + bare infinitive (colloquial often: YOU BETTER...)
     You’d better not call her now, she must be too angry with you
     You better come to my house and ask my father

SUGGEST (+ that you (should) )
     I suggest that you eat more vegetables
     I suggest that you should take a holiday, you look so tired

IMPERATIVES (start, stop, try, consider...) + ing
     Stop drinking so much coffee, it’s not healthy
     Start going to the gym
     Try talking to him, you may convince him
     Consider buying a new bicycle and give the old one to your little brother

Suggestions: taking decisions together

You can use these to make suggestions when deciding what to do with our friends (together):

LET’S + bare infinitive
I’m bored. Let’s play a video game or something
Hey, let’s go for a walk

Why don’t we have another beer? I’m so thirsty
Why don’t we look for a better beach? This one is packed with people

WHAT/HOW ABOUT? + ing or noun
What about taking a taxi? I can’t give another step
Do you want to watch a movie? How about ‘Forrest Gump’?

Having the party in the garden is one idea
Telling Sam is one idea. Or we can also tell Mike

Friday, March 2, 2018


Hi my dear students of 8th  grade.
Copy and learn well this information about the uses of simple present tense.


1. Facts (something is generally known to be true).

The sun sets in the west.
The sun never sets in the east or south or north, but always in the west.
  1. Hamlet (be)  a play by Shakespeare.
  2. Mount Everest (reach)  a height of 8848 metres.
  3. Water (boil)  at 100°C.
2. Action in the present taking place once, never or several times. 
                                                  Colin plays football regularly - every Tuesday. In English,  
                                                 signal words are often used. 
Colin always plays soccer on Tuesdays. 
 e.g.: alwaysneverseldomoftenregularlyevery Monday.
  1. You never (arrive)  on time.
  2. I seldom (go)  to the zoo.
  3. Francis occasionally (drink)  coffee.
3. Actions in the present taking place one after another.
First one action takes place and then the other.
Ex: She takes her bag and leaves.
  1. Janine (leave) the house and (lock) the door. Then She (go)  to the bus stop. When the bus (arrive) , she (get on)  the bus and (go)  to work.
4. Action set by a time table or schedule.

The train leaves at 9 pm.
Although the action takes place in the future, it takes place regularly and is set by a time table.
  1. The plane (arrive)  in London at 11:45.
  2. The lesson (start)  in five minutes.
  3. The film (begin)  at 8 o'clock.
5. verbs expressing states, possession, senses, emotions and mental activityLevel 3

I love her. 


  1. (like)  pizza.
  2. He (hate)  garlic.
  3. My sister (prefer)  tea to coffee.
When you love someone, that's a state, a fact or emotion, but not an action (like running for example). Whenever you want to express a state, possession, sense or emotions, use the simple form (not the progressive). The following words all belong to this group:
  • be (state)
  • believe (mental activity)
  • belong (possession)
  • hate (feeling and emotion)
  • hear (senses)
  • like (feeling and emotion)
  • love (feeling and emotion)
  • mean (mental activity)
  • prefer (mental activity)
  • remain (state)
  • realize (mental activity)
  • see (senses)
  • seem (feeling and emotion)
  • smell (senses)
  • think (mental activity)
  • understand (mental activity)
  • want (feeling and emotion)
  • wish (feeling and emotion)

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Adverbs of frequency

Hi dear students of 8th grade😄
Read and copy well all information below about WH-QUESTIONS AND ADVERBS OF FREQUENCY in your notebook .  .
After that, make a list of the unknown words and look up them in the dictionary.
Finally, learn and memorize the new works. 
See you next class!😎


Buenos días queridos estudiantes de 7 y 8 grado. A continuación les dejo el código correspondiente a cada curso para que se registren en l...