Hola chicos, buenos días. Aqui les dejo unos links de videos explicativos de los temas que estamos viendo en el 4 periodo y que les servirá de repaso para la evaluación de la próxima semana.
Estan clasificados por grados (7 / 8)
Reglas de los adjetivos comparativos - Video 1
Adjetivos comparativos y superlativos - Video 2
Presente perfecto
Present perfect + ever / never / already / yet / just
Saturday, November 3, 2018
Tuesday, October 9, 2018
Hola chic@s, estas son las indicaciones generales para realizar la exposición del 4 periodo.
La exposición la pueden hacer en grupos de máximo 3 estudiantes, sin excederse de lo 5 minutos, y puede incluir un video corto en inglés de máximo 1.5 minutos para complementar lo expuesto.

La exposición debe presentarse en Power point y debe contener 7 diapositivas (incluidas la portada y el agradecimiento) con imágenes y textos sencillos y cortos en inglés.
El o los expositores deben hablar más de lo que escribieron.
Al finalizar la exposición, el grupo o estudiante expositor debe aplicar un Quiz con mínimo 4 preguntas de opción múltiple, falso o verdadero o de completar, acerca del tema expuesto.
Las exposiciones comienzan a partir del 30 de octubre.
Antes de escoger uno de los temas deben investigar sobre lo que es la Globalización desde una visión cultural, es decir que el tema escogido debe exponerse orientado a su relación con el mundo entero.


· Países y
Comidas típicas
· Biodiversidad
· Biodiversidad
· Deportes
· Clima y Estaciones
Antes de escoger uno de los temas deben investigar sobre lo que es la Globalización y el Consumismo. Luego exponer el tema seleccionado relacionándolo con el consumismo en el mundo entero.
· Compras y
· Moda
· Estética
· Tecnología
· Música
· La publicidad
· Medios de comunicación
· Compradores compulsivos
Saturday, July 28, 2018
10 Reasons to Learn English

Learning English is important and people all over the world decide to study it as a second language. Many countries include English as a second language in their school syllabus and children start learning English at a young age.
However, do you know why learning English is so important? Here are ten good reasons to take an English language course.
1. English is the most commonly spoken language in the world. One out of five people can speak or at least understand English!
2. English is the language of science, of aviation, computers, diplomacy, and tourism. Knowing English increases your chances of getting a good job in a multinational company within your home country or of finding work abroad.
3. English is the official language of 53 countries. That is a lot of people to meet and speak to.
4. English is spoken as a first language by around 400 million people around the world.
5. English is the language of the media industry. If you speak English, you won't need to rely on translations and subtitles anymore to enjoy your favourite books, songs, films and TV shows.
6. English is also the language of the Internet. Many websites are written in English – you will be able to understand them and to take part in forums and discussions.
7. English is based on a simple alphabet and it is fairly quick and easy to learn compared to other languages.
8. English is not only useful – it gives you a lot of satisfaction. Making progress feels great. You will enjoy learning English, if you remember that every hour you spend gets you closer to perfection.
9. Since English is spoken in so many different countries there are thousands of schools around the world that offer programmes in English. If you speak English, there're lots of opportunities for you to find an appropriate school and course to suit your academic needs.
10. Because it's fun! By learning English, you will also learn about other cultures. Few experiences will make you grow as a person more than learning the values, habits and way of life in a culture that is different from yours.
Saturday, May 26, 2018
Hi my dear students of 7 grade. Here you are some important information about the frequency adverbs.
Copy and solve the exercises below.
Copy the below chart, answer the questions about How often do you do somethings, then write each question with its answer. After that re-write the question and the answer in third person singular, according to this example:
1. How often do you go to school? ------- How often does he go to school?
- I always go to school ------- I always go to school
Copy and solve the exercises below.
Copy the below chart, answer the questions about How often do you do somethings, then write each question with its answer. After that re-write the question and the answer in third person singular, according to this example:
1. How often do you go to school? ------- How often does he go to school?
- I always go to school ------- I always go to school
Saturday, May 5, 2018
Affirmative form of Present simple
To 7 and
8 grades
Conjugate the following verbs with these personal pronouns: I/you/she/he/it/we/they
Example: Eat
/ honey
eat honey
eat honey
eats honey
eats honey
eats honey
eat honey
eat honey
Now conjugate these verbs using the given complements and the following personal pronouns:
/ fruit
/ the frog
the homework
/ the room
/ the poor people
/ the exercise
/ of happiness
Fish / in the river
Saturday, April 21, 2018
Food vocabulary
To: 7 and 8 grades
Follow the below instructions:
I eat two pounds of meat weekly.
Some meal measurements:
Follow the below instructions:
- Copy and paste in your notebook all this food vocabulary.
- Study, and learn very well all this vocabulary (write and memorize).
- Choose 15 names of food (vegetables, fruits, food or drinks) and write 15 sentences, using the numbers and the meal measurements.
I eat two pounds of meat weekly.
Some meal measurements:
Temas para exposición Grado 8
Hola chicos y chicas de 8, buenos días.
Aquí les dejo los 9 temas para que escojan uno de ellos y preparen la exposición del 2 periodo.
Recuerden que esta exposición se presenta desde la primera semana de junio. Tienen suficiente tiempo para investigar sobre el tema escogido y preparar la exposición. Hagan un buen trabajo y no dejen todo para lo último.

Aquí les dejo los 9 temas para que escojan uno de ellos y preparen la exposición del 2 periodo.
Recuerden que esta exposición se presenta desde la primera semana de junio. Tienen suficiente tiempo para investigar sobre el tema escogido y preparar la exposición. Hagan un buen trabajo y no dejen todo para lo último.

- Desnutrición
- Obesidad
- Bulimia
- Anorexia
- Comida saludable
- Alimentos nocivos
- Buenos hábitos alimenticios
- Malos hábitos alimenticios
- Diabetes
Sunday, April 8, 2018
Para: Estudiantes de 8C y 8E
Buenos días.
Le informo a los estudiantes de 8C cuyos apellidos relaciono en lista, que deben estudiar para la actividad de recuperación de la evaluación para el día lunes:
Fonseca, Lopez, Lozano, Martín, Medina, Polanía, Ramirez, Roa, Rodriguez, Salamanca, Sanchez y
Todos los alumnos de 8E deben estudiar para la actividad de recuperación de la evaluación para el día lunes, excepto los siguientes: Niño, Puerto y Salazar.
*Ojalá sepan aprovechar esta oportunidad!!!
Buenos días.
Le informo a los estudiantes de 8C cuyos apellidos relaciono en lista, que deben estudiar para la actividad de recuperación de la evaluación para el día lunes:
Fonseca, Lopez, Lozano, Martín, Medina, Polanía, Ramirez, Roa, Rodriguez, Salamanca, Sanchez y
Todos los alumnos de 8E deben estudiar para la actividad de recuperación de la evaluación para el día lunes, excepto los siguientes: Niño, Puerto y Salazar.
*Ojalá sepan aprovechar esta oportunidad!!!
Sunday, April 1, 2018
Para recordarles a los alumnos de séptimo que la próxima semana presentan el trabajo sobre las exposiciones de inglés que les asigné desde el primer día de clases de este primer periodo.
También recordarle a los alumnos de octavo que esta semana evalúo el tema de los adverbios de frecuencia en presente simple, tal y como les informé antes de salir a vacaciones.
Que tengan un buen día y comienzo de mes.
See you next class!
Monday, March 19, 2018
Recuperación de la evaluación de inglés
Buenos días acudientes y estudiantes de 7A, 7B, 7C y 7D. Ya califiqué y subí por Educajunto los resultados de la prueba de inglés para que ingresen y miren si aprobaron o reprobaron la prueba.
Para los estudiantes de 7 que reprobaron la prueba les informo que los días martes, miércoles y jueves estaré aplicando la actividad de Recuperación, así que deben estudiar todo lo visto en el blog sobre imperativos, incluyendo los ejercicios trabajados en clase, el taller y la misma evaluación para que la recuperación sea un éxito.
Feliz tarde.
Para los estudiantes de 7 que reprobaron la prueba les informo que los días martes, miércoles y jueves estaré aplicando la actividad de Recuperación, así que deben estudiar todo lo visto en el blog sobre imperativos, incluyendo los ejercicios trabajados en clase, el taller y la misma evaluación para que la recuperación sea un éxito.
Feliz tarde.
Tuesday, March 13, 2018
Instructions for your Alien
To: 7th Grade
Activity: Instructions for your Alien
-Read and copy this information for your alien about "how to make a sandwich".
-Use the sequency words to write the instructions.
-Write a sandwich recipe using the below imperative verbs.
-Remember to make a list of the unknown words and look up them in the dictionary.
-This homework is for the next week class.
Activity: Instructions for your Alien
-Read and copy this information for your alien about "how to make a sandwich".
-Use the sequency words to write the instructions.
-Write a sandwich recipe using the below imperative verbs.
-Remember to make a list of the unknown words and look up them in the dictionary.

Making a sandwich
are going out to school and your little alien will be left at home, all alone.
To stop them from going hungry you decide to leave some instructions for how to
make a sandwich.
order to do these you need to think of what connectives you should use. Here is
a list to help you…
after that
also will need to use imperative verbs. Here is a list to help you…
choose the type of sandwich you want them to make, and write your instructions…
Sandwich Recipe
Saturday, March 10, 2018
Saturday, March 3, 2018
Feelings, emotions and suggestions
Hi my dear students of 7th.
Let's learn and talk about feelings, emotions and suggestions.
Don't forget to study the new vocabulary.
SUGGEST (+ that you (should) )
I suggest that you eat more vegetables
I suggest that you should take a holiday, you look so tired
IMPERATIVES (start, stop, try, consider...) + ing
Stop drinking so much coffee, it’s not healthy
Start going to the gym
Try talking to him, you may convince him
Consider buying a new bicycle and give the old one to your little brother
Let's learn and talk about feelings, emotions and suggestions.
Don't forget to study the new vocabulary.
Good Advice: advice and suggestions |
Giving advice and making suggestions are two different language functions
MUST/HAVE TO [strong advice]
You must go to the doctor immediately, that looks serious.
You have to take her to that movie, she’s going to love it.
YOU’D BETTER (not) + bare infinitive (colloquial often: YOU BETTER...)
You’d better not call her now, she must be too angry with you
You better come to my house and ask my father
You can use these to give advice to a friend: SHOULD You should go to the doctor, he’ll tell you what to do You shouldn’t go to bed so late, you need more sleep WHY DON’T YOU I know it’s difficult to find, but why don’t you look on the Internet? Why don’t you wait here for a moment, I’m sure she will be back very soon HOW ABOUT + ING (or YOU + bare infinitive) You look bored. How about going for a walk? We could go to the river. How about you stay here and I go and look for help? |
MUST/HAVE TO [strong advice]
You must go to the doctor immediately, that looks serious.
You have to take her to that movie, she’s going to love it.
YOU’D BETTER (not) + bare infinitive (colloquial often: YOU BETTER...)
You’d better not call her now, she must be too angry with you
You better come to my house and ask my father
SUGGEST (+ that you (should) )
I suggest that you eat more vegetables
I suggest that you should take a holiday, you look so tired
IMPERATIVES (start, stop, try, consider...) + ing
Stop drinking so much coffee, it’s not healthy
Start going to the gym
Try talking to him, you may convince him
Consider buying a new bicycle and give the old one to your little brother
Suggestions: taking decisions together
You can use these to make suggestions when deciding what to do with our friends (together):
LET’S + bare infinitive
I’m bored. Let’s play a video game or something
Hey, let’s go for a walk
I’m bored. Let’s play a video game or something
Hey, let’s go for a walk
WHY DON’T WE...? Why don’t we have another beer? I’m so thirsty Why don’t we look for a better beach? This one is packed with people WHAT/HOW ABOUT? + ing or noun What about taking a taxi? I can’t give another step Do you want to watch a movie? How about ‘Forrest Gump’? -ING + IS ONE IDEA Having the party in the garden is one idea Telling Sam is one idea. Or we can also tell Mike |
Friday, March 2, 2018
Hi my dear students of 8th grade.
Copy and learn well this information about the uses of simple present tense.
1. Facts (something is generally known to be true).
2. Action in the present taking place once, never or several times.
Colin plays football regularly - every Tuesday. In English, signal words are often used.
3. Actions in the present taking place one after another.
4. Action set by a time table or schedule.
5. verbs expressing states, possession, senses, emotions and mental activity
Copy and learn well this information about the uses of simple present tense.
![]() The sun sets in the west. |
The sun never sets in the east or south or north, but always in the west.
![]() |
e.g.: always, never, seldom, often, regularly, every Monday.
![]() |
First one action takes place and then the other.
Ex: She takes her bag and leaves.
![]() The train leaves at 9 pm. |
Although the action takes place in the future, it takes place regularly and is set by a time table.

![]() I love her. Exercise:
When you love someone, that's a state, a fact or emotion, but not an action (like running for example). Whenever you want to express a state, possession, sense or emotions, use the simple form (not the progressive). The following words all belong to this group:
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Buenos días queridos estudiantes de 7 y 8 grado. A continuación les dejo el código correspondiente a cada curso para que se registren en l...
Hola chicos de 7A, 7B y 7C aqui les dejo información sobre el nuevo tema "El Texto instructivo". Leer y copiar en el cuaderno...
Hola chicos de 8A, 8B y 8C! Aqui les dejo unas lecturas y algunos ejercicios para practicar el tema "Likes & Dislikes para aquello...
Hi girls and boys! Read the four stories below and look the unknown words up in the dictionary and learn them. Then underline the sentence...