By Maribel Quiroga L.

Hi dear students of Sagrado Corazon, now I have for you the rules and regulations of our new and modern English lab. I hope you read it carefully and learn well all these rules and regulations because they are essential for the proper development of classes and the care of the laboratory and its equipment.
BILINGUAL ROOM-RULES AND REGULATIONS1.Be punctual. If you are late, you disturb the class and interrupt the teacher. That is unfair to other classmates who arrived on time. Access into the classroom will NOT be permitted if the student does not have an excuse.
2.Clean and dry your hands before getting into the English laboratory.
3.You must enter into the laboratory in order to list.
4.Cellular phones or other technological features not pertinent to the class are not allowed inside the lab.
5.You must only bring a pencil or pen, book and notebook inside the lab. You mustn’t bring your pencil case.
6.Don’t use the sharpener into the laboratory.
7.Write on paper and NOT on the tables. These are checked periodically by the teacher and if written, the students at the table will be marked down for misbehavior and have to correct the fault.
8.Excellent manners are expected at all times during independent and group work. Misconduct will result in a discipline zero “0”. This grade cannot be made up.
9.Students are not authorized to plug or unplug cables from the rear of cabins.
10.Food, gum, candy or drinks, including water will not be allowed in the English laboratory.
11.Use the lab only for English class activities and assignments.
12.Don’t do homework for other classes during class lab sessions.
13.Sit quietly and pay attention to the teacher instructions.
14.Keep an open mind to understand English.
15.Wait for your turn to talk.
16.Keep the work area clean and neat.
17.You may not go around the laboratory.
18.Don’t put your feet on chairs or desks.
19.Return chairs and headphones to their places.
20.You must only sit at your assigned desk.
21.No loud conversations or otherwise disruptive behavior.
22.No eating, no drinking, no sleeping, no writing graffiti, defacing or damaging of the equipment.
23.You mustn’t bring any cutting thing, like scissors or knives.
24.You must immediately alert your teacher about any problems you find.
25.Attendance is mandatory. If you are absent make sure to bring a medical excuse.
26.If you are sick of flu use masks to avoid contaminating the room.
27.If there is a power outage, you have five minutes to turn off computers.
PLEASE READ THEM AND ASK YOUR TEACHER FOR HELP IF YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND THEM.NOTICE: Any student found vandalizing equipment in the language lab will be held financially responsible for the repair of the damage and will have his or her language lab privileges revoked for the remainder of the school year.