Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Lenguaje, Lengua y Habla

Capacidad que tiene el hombre de comunicarse con los demás a través de múltiples procedimientos o sistemas de signos y expresar ideas, pensamientos y deseos.

Clases de lenguaje:
1.  Lenguaje auditivo:
Verbal: utiliza como signo la palabra hablada.
No verbal: utiliza otros signos: morse, sirenas, himnos, toques de campana, toques militares, saludos e injurias. 
2.  Lenguaje visual:
Verbal: utiliza la palabra escrita.
No verbal: utiliza otros signos: alfabeto de los sordomudos, morse, jeroglíficos, señales (tráfico automovilístico, marítimo, ferroviario, aéreo), gestos, mímica, banderas, informática, códigos científicos (geometría, matemáticas, física, etc), planos, tatuajes. 
3.  Lenguaje táctil: braille, caricias, saludos o despedidas.

4.  Lenguaje olfativo: olores.

Talking about existence

There + be
When we say that something exists, we normally begin the sentence with THERE BE  and put the subject or noun after be.

Use There is / There are  to indicate that something "exists"or is in a certain location in the present

Use There is for singular nouns: a boy, a person, a teacher, a girl, an apple, a school, a city, a book…

Use There are for plural nouns: boys, children, people, teachers, girls, apples, schools, cities, books…

Remember: use "A" before singular countable nouns, but SOME before plural nouns in positive sentences.
Look at these examples:

There’s a boy at the door.
There are children at the door.

There is an apple on the table.
There are some apples on the table.

There is a book on the desk.
There are three books on the desk.

Use There is not / There are not  to indicate that something "doesn't exist"or is not in a certain location in the present

Remember: use "A" before singular countable nouns, but ANY before plural nouns in negative sentences.

There is not a girl at the door.
There are not people in the street.

There is not an apple on the table.
There are not any apples on the table.

There is not a book on the desk.
There are not three books on the desk.

Use Is there...? / Are there...?  to question that something "doesn't exist"or is not in a certain location in the present

Remember: use "A" before singular countable nouns, but ANY before plural nouns in interrogative sentences.

Is there a girl at the door?
Are there people in the street.

Is there an apple on the table.
Are there any apples on the table.

Is there a book on the desk.
Are there three books on the desk.

Look at the picture and read.

Write sentenses using Is there?, Are there?, There is/isn't, There are/aren't. Follow the model. 


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